Acupressure Massage

Acupressure massage in Reading

A dynamic therapy...

... using massage techniques that have been practised through Asia for well over 4000 years. Treatment is received over clothes with the client seated on a comfortable ergonomically designed chair. The Oriental massage sequence used is known as Kata (which is the Japanese word for dance) and works through many acupressure points. The therapy is often referred to as acupuncture without needles and is used to bring balance to the flow of energy for the mind and body. This flow of energy is traditionally known as Qi which is pronounced as Chi in the western world. The therapy is performed using elbows, thumbs and hands to stimulate major acupressure points which in turn has a positive and balancing effect on our muscular, nervous, circulatory and immune systems. Shiatsu movements and percussion techniques are included. Treatment covers the entire back, shoulders, neck, head, arms and hands. It is a popular therapy used in the treatment room and in a work place setting.
To learn more about this dynamic therapy contact Gina today on 0791 999 3883

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